Building Engineering Conference Presentation Files
Here are files from presentations made at the October 18, 2016 Building Engineering and Construction Conference
Limitations of Use: These presentations are provided to attendees of the conference for their records, not for their use for any other means.
Note: Not all files have been received yet. Please check back as they become available.
Development Along Transitways - Past, Present & Future
Libby Starling & Lucy Galbraith, Metropolitan Council
Enhancing Mechanical Engineering Productivity with Revit
Blake Guither, P.E., BEMP, LEED AP O+M, Gausman and Moore
Introduction & Key Differences to the 2012 IECC & the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010
Donald Sivigny, Construction Codes & Licensing, Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry
Valued Owner’s Representation
Scott Johnson & Mike Piper, ICS Consulting
Technology Trends in Revit, including Virtual Reality (VR)
Daniel Stine, CSI, CDT, LHB
Legal / Contract / Indemnification Issues
Jeff Coleman, The Coleman Law Firm
Key Trends Shaping the AEC Industry
Greg Powell, FMI Capital Advisors
UV-C Lighting In Northern Climates
Ben Klawitter, Filtration Systems
Emerging Technologies in Building Security Strategies
Bob Stosse, Keri Systems & Jody Allen Crowe, Crotega Safety Solutions
Advances in Project Delivery
Todd Christopherson, P.E., LEED AP, Wenck Construction
Minnesota Capitol Renovations
Kimberly Sanbulte, Sarah Berseth & Sean Cotton, HGA
Jeff Coleman, The Coleman Law Firm