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As a member of ACEC/MN, you have access to many professional opportunities and resources. To inquire about membership, contact the ACEC/MN office at 952/593-5533 or email Kelly Smeltzer at

Professional Development
These programs, offered fall through spring allow you to build your professional skills and network with your colleagues.

  • Emerging Leaders Training Series - designed to give young or new engineers insight into the business side of consulting engineering. The interactive sessions are divided into two series; developing technical business skills and business management skills.
  • Smarter Not Harder Manager Development Series
  • Annual Engineering Ethics Sessions
  • Seminars on a wide array of engineering and business topics
  • Women In Engineering Series
  • Forecasting events with various state agencies, counties, etc., to discuss long-term project plans and budgets

Quarterly ACEC/MN Newsletter
Monthly electronic member newsletter featuring association activities, member firm news and industry information.

Legislative Activities/Events
ACEC/MN retains a professional lobbyist and maintains an active legislative committee to represent membership concerns with state legislators and agency leaders. Recent legislative successes and accomplishments include:

  • Passed legislation that limits indemnification clauses in contracts
  • Established 10-year statute of repose
  • Passed Qualifications Based Selection legislation
  • Established Designer Selection Board
  • Passed certificate of merit legislation
  • Successfully defeated sales tax on professional services (four times)

Day at the Capitol -This annual event allows members to meet with state legislators to discuss engineering issues.

Engineering Excellence Awards recognizes engineering achievements at the state and national levels.

Membership Directory
Annual listing of firm and affiliates distributed to over 2,000 users of engineering services, including municipalities, counties, architects, building inspectors, universities and other public and private entities throughout Minnesota.

Project Announcement Bulletin (PAB)
Weekly e-mail containing information on potential projects from municipalities, state agencies and other sources.

Annual Meetings
Review association activities and recognize member and firm achievements through the following awards:

  • President´s Award - This award is presented to an individual employed by a member firm that has made a significant contribution to the association and has shown to be a credit to the consulting engineering profession over the past year.
  • Firm of the Year Award - This award is presented to an ACEC/MN firm that, through their activities, has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the association and the consulting engineering profession.
  • Tom Roche Lifetime Achievement Award - This award is presented to an individual who has contributed a great deal during their career to the engineering profession, ACEC/MN and the community.

Scholarship Program
The ACEC/MN Scholarship program and Workforce Development programs have been transferred to a new organization, the Engineering Education Foundation of America. This has allowed for more events, fundraising and scholarship awards to help build the next generation of engineers and support those currently in the profession. EEFA Board members and volunteers visit K-12 schools, post-secondary institutions and workforce events as part of their outreach activities.

PE/FE Presentations
Opportunity for engineering students to learn more about Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the process of becoming Professional Engineers.

Group Benefits
Available through ACEC/MN and ACEC for health, life, retirement and business insurance.


Conducted annually to collect compensation information.

Conducted every other year to gather information on benefits, perks and compensation for the purpose of sharing this data with members.

Solicit member feedback on association activities and events to continually meet the needs of members.