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2021 EEA Projects

2021 ACEC/MN Engineering Excellence Awards can all be found in this year's issue of Framework - Congratulations to all our winners!

Our 2021 Grand Conceptor Award Winner is the Nutrient Recovery and Reuse (NR2) Project by Donohue & Associates - congrats!

Nutrient Recovery & Reuse Project (NR2), Donohue & Associates (3)

Our 2021 People's Choice Award Winner is the Becker Park Underground Stormwater Infiltration project by Wenck, now a part of Stantec - congrats!

Becker Park Underground Stormwater Infiltration, Wenck (2)

2020-21 Grand Award Winners:

Alliant Engineering - 8th Street Reconstruction
American Engineering Testing - TH 63 Bridge over Mississippi River H-Pile Downdrag Monitoring
Barr Engineering - Island Lake Dam Gate Upgrade
Braun Intertec - ASTM Standard Test Methods for Carbon-Consuming Cements Hardened by Carbonation
Donohue & Associates - Nutrient Recovery and Reuse (NR2): Innovative, Cost Effective, Sustainable, (Grand Conceptor Winner)
Kimley Horn - Silver Ramp Expansion
MEP Associates (a Salas O-Brien company) - Madison Municipal Building
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. - Duluth Sky Harbor Airport
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. - Northern Metals Shredder Site
SRF Consulting - Central Draw Overflow Phase V
Steen Engineering - The Fillmore Theater and Element by Westin at Target Field Station
Wenck - Biochar- and Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter (BIESF) Large-scale Demonstration Projects
Widseth - Digi-Key Electronics Product Distribution Center Expansion
WSP - MnDOT I-494/I-94 Interchange Bridge Replacement Utilizing Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques

2020-21 Honor Award Winners:

Bolton & Menk - CSAH 21 Downtown Prior Lake Reconstruction
Bolton & Menk - Northwest Winnebago Infrastructure Project
Brown & Caldwell - Metropolitan Council Environmental Services - Mound Area Interceptor Improvements
HR Green - L27 Lift Station Improvements
HR Green - Trout Brook Nature Sanctuary
Kimley-Horn - Mall of America Transit Station Renovations
Kimley-Horn - 5th Street Pedestrian Bridge over I-35W
Rani Engineering - Historic Kern Bridge Removal and Salvage
SEH - Shoreview Owasso Boulevard North Reconstruction
SEH - The Ledge Amphitheatre
SRF Consulting - CSAH 78 Railway Grade Separation
SRF Consulting - U.S. Trunk Highway 2/John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge Rehabilitation over the Red River
Stantec - Fernbrook Athletic Fields
Stonebrooke Engineering - Johnny Cake Ridge Road Improvements
Wenck, now a part of Stantec - Becker Park Underground Stormwater Infiltration
WSB - Granular Activated Carbon Water Treatment Plant


Thank you to our 2021 EEA Sponsors!

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